Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just realised I've also lost all the videos on my old phone, a lot of them were very important to me and were evidence of special memories, I'm really devastated at the moment :'(
What a week. 
+got a parking ticket for stopping for two mins in an unclear loading zone. I was pulling out as the guy stopped me. $70 gone to waste.
+2 assignments due next week, 3000words.
+forgot my sports bra at the gym, had to go home and get it wasting petrol.
+offically made my shin splints worse at touch on Wednesday so no more running for me.
+worried that I'm questioning my course at uni.
+brother fell through a roof and hurt himself.
+late for work because my car wouldn't start.
+I've been too scared to go and get my blood test results. Need to harden up haha
+ worst of all, my drink bottle leaked through my bag and broke my phone.

all the msgs, photos, numbers are just gone :'(
and I was waiting on a call back for a job interview too.
oh and I also got sunburnt sitting in the car trying to fix it.

Yeh I know I'm just having a bit of a winge. stress does that to you I guess.

on a positive note. PARKLIFE TOMORROW weeeee :D

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. And if they cant, they make them.
George Bernard Shaw

Thanks Bernard.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

cannot wait
Tom and Alex are announcing headliners tomorrow morning

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I like this song, but also find the film clip pretty cool and entertaining to watch.
+Waiting on blood test results that's making me anxious
+Considering changing my Uni degree next year. Looking at Obstetrics or Ancient History (I know very random)
+Wanderlusting more than ever
+Pumped for Parklife this weekend weee
+Hating on assignments
+Loving spending time with my friends
+Driving anywhere at the moment seems like the perfect excuse to blast my ipod and have solo singalongs
+Still conspiring to marry Mark Pontius (Drummer in Foster the People) hah

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lately I've been feeling a tad defeated. I don't know what more I can do, I eat so healthy and try to gym as often as I can. (my shins are so screwed from over doing it I can't go at the moment). but point is I'M NOT SEEING ANY RESULTS! It's not like I'm trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to build up my physical fitness/stamina. I've noticed I can run a little faster and am getting a bit stronger maybe but other than that the results of all this effort seem to be abysmal. 

argh I guess no pain no gain right? 

Don't mind this burst of frustration. I just need to remind myself that nothing worth having comes easily.

Oh oH OH did I mention I'm considering going Vegan? just a thought for now...

Friday, September 9, 2011

"Don't you know? you're the most beautiful and wonderful thing in the world."
- April Wheeler, Revolutionary Road.

I'm probably being a hypocrite for saying this but I've really been trying to change my ways..
BUT if everyone around could just see their own amazingness and accepted every little bit of themselves the world would be a much much much happier place. THE END.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I've never really been one for the all out serious photos.. soo here's a little bit of me for you. These are some of the best memories with some of the best people I've had the pleasure of knowing. I'll always keep these memories close to me.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lovely, Funny, Broken