Friday, June 3, 2011

Old Love

I saw the most heart warming thing, a sweet old couple. He & She were getting onto the train and although she was fine carrying her bag and stepping over the gap, he took hold of her arm to help her on. It was that tiny gesture that made me smile with absolute joy today.

 My faith in everlasting love has somewhat dwindled over my past 4 relationship failures, (YES I KNOW ITS STUPID TO SAY) even though i'm so young.  All I hear about is relationship breakdowns, cheating, and ever climbing divorce rates, it really makes it hard to believe that two people can be happy together forever. I think love maybe was easier when there wasn't such a media hype about it. People used to fall in love at 16 and be happy together for the rest of their lives, sure there would be the ups and downs but when we didn't have all these ideas of love being perfect and easy all the time, it lasted. Love can be hard work, but you go through those hard times because in the end it's worth it and you'll have that imperfectly perfect other half of you forever. Thats what these people had, the real deal, the kind of love that every girl dreams about after watching Cinderella. Nobody is perfect and it's a shame that these days, media and other influences have got us so hooked on finding perfection that we miss out on the best imperfect things to happen to us.

I'm not saying I'm looking for that everlasting thing right now. But I refuse to let an opportunity pass me by,  so for now I'm just going to continue accepting and loving people for who they are regardless of their flaws (across all of my relationships, friends, family etc.) ... even if it leaves me broken hearted all over again.

This Old Love by Lior Music
I thought this song was fitting.

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