Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Clean Out

Today I removed all of the books, notepads, magazines and photo albums out of the right side of my bed. I let it get cluttered so it didn't feel so big and empty, but for the past few nights, it's really just been uncomfortable. I don't need any of those things anymore. I went through my draws and found all the letters, movies/museum exhibitions/flights and a billion other types of tickets, travel pamphlets as well as a wooden ice cream spoon, bracelet, photos and finally a zoo map. I didn't have the heart to throw them away (though at one point I was tempted), after all they were good memories but I don't want them lingering around me anymore to the point that I might start to resent them. So I grabbed a plastic sleeve and popped them all into a Tiffany's bag I had and stored it up in the back of my wardrobe. It feels good to be really getting on with things, theres so much to enjoy and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit on my nostalgic ass and wish over the past. It was fun while it lasted but its gone now and I'm not waiting around for it to come back.

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