Monday, July 4, 2011

In celebration of Harry Potter part II
Harry Potter- Tell about a scar on your body.
I have a circle scar where a pencil went into my knee
Ron Weasley- Something you’re afraid of.
Hermione Granger- A subject you know a lot about.
nurtition? food?
Draco Malfoy- Closest green item to you.
old school bag
Severus Snape- Your favorite Alcoholic beverage.
fruit tingle
Rubeus Hagrid- Your favorite animal.
umm maybe elephants or fireflies
Luna Lovegood- Something about you other people find weird.
I eat apple cores and kiwi skin
Neville Longbottom- Your favorite flower.
Nimphodorah Tonks- Something you would change about your appearance.
numerous things
Fred and George Weasley- The last prank you pulled on someone, or someone pulled on you.
I don't really remember except in year 8,  I told my bff I was going to japan with her on april fools, but that was just mean
Voldemort- If you were to make a Horcrux, it would be…
a shell from Avoca
Moaning Myrtle- The last thing to make you cry.

I'm so excited to be seeing the midnight screening again Hoooray!

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